How a PEO Helps with HR
​​One of my favorite parts of working with PEOs are the HR services that they bring to the table. They have so many resources available...
When 10 + 10 + 10 = 33.1
Math can be a funny thing. Just when you think you know how it works, there are other ways of looking at the same numbers and coming up...
Peace of Mind and Profitability with PEO
When sales people or even vendors make the promise that their solution helps your business become more profitable, do you listen? Or do...
Are You Wearing the HR Hat Today?
As a small organization, how do you handle HR today? Do you have full time HR staff or do you have a patchwork of solutions to make it...
How does a PEO help with Benefits?
There are a variety of reasons that organizations look to partner with a PEO. From purely a cost standpoint, benefits are one of the...
PEO 101
If you are new to the world of Professional Employer Organization, more commonly referred to as PEOs, here are the basics. A PEO is...